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FillConstraint — Final class in package org.openzoom.flash.viewport.constraints
Ensures that the scene always entirely fills the viewport.
FillConstraint() — Constructor in class org.openzoom.flash.viewport.constraints.FillConstraint
fitToBounds(bounds, scale, immediately) — Method in class org.openzoom.flash.components.MultiScaleContainer
Show a rectangular area of the scene inside the viewport.
fitToBounds(bounds, scale, immediately) — Method in interface org.openzoom.flash.viewport.IViewport
Show a rectangular area of the scene inside the viewport.
fitToBounds(bounds, scale) — Method in interface org.openzoom.flash.viewport.IViewportTransform
Show an area of the scene inside the viewport.
fitToBounds(bounds, scale, immediately) — Method in class org.openzoom.flash.viewport.NormalizedViewport
Show a rectangular area of the scene inside the viewport.
fitToBounds(bounds, scale, immediately) — Method in class org.openzoom.flash.viewport.SceneViewport
Show a rectangular area of the scene inside the viewport.
fitToBounds(bounds, scale) — Method in class org.openzoom.flash.viewport.ViewportTransform
Show an area of the scene inside the viewport.
fitToBounds(bounds, scale, immediately) — Method in class org.openzoom.flex.components.MultiScaleContainer
Show a rectangular area of the scene inside the viewport.
format — Property in class org.openzoom.flash.descriptors.deepzoom.DeepZoomImageDescriptor
Returns the format of the image pyramid.
fromID(id, width, height) — Static method in class org.openzoom.flash.descriptors.gigapan.GigaPanDescriptor
fromJSONMetadata(resolverURL, imageURL, jsonString, tileSize, tileOverlap, type) — Static method in class org.openzoom.flash.descriptors.djatoka.DjatokaDescriptor
fromValues(x, y, width, height, zoom, viewportWidth, viewportHeight, sceneWidth, sceneHeight) — Static method in class org.openzoom.flash.viewport.ViewportTransform
Constructs and initializes a ViewportTransform object from the given parameter values.
fromXML(source, xml) — Static method in class org.openzoom.flash.descriptors.deepzoom.DeepZoomImageDescriptor
Create descriptor from XML.
fromXML(source, xml) — Static method in class org.openzoom.flash.descriptors.zoomify.ZoomifyDescriptor
Create descriptor from XML.
fullScreen — Property in class org.openzoom.flash.viewport.controllers.ContextMenuController
fullScreen — Property in class org.openzoom.flash.viewport.controllers.KeyboardController
fullScreenKey — Property in class org.openzoom.flash.viewport.controllers.KeyboardController
Key for panning the viewport up.
fullScreenMenuEnterCaption — Property in class org.openzoom.flash.viewport.controllers.ContextMenuController
fullScreenMenuExitCaption — Property in class org.openzoom.flash.viewport.controllers.ContextMenuController
FullScreenUtil — Final class in package org.openzoom.flash.utils
Helper for toggling fullscreen mode.
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