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easing — Property in class org.openzoom.flash.viewport.transformers.TweenerTransformer
Easing for the transformation.
encode(value) — Static method in class org.openzoom.flash.utils.Base16
Returns the Base16 encoded String of value.
end — Property in class org.openzoom.flash.viewport.controllers.KeyboardController
endTransform() — Method in interface org.openzoom.flash.viewport.IViewport
Dispatch transformEnd event to let all listeners know that a viewport transition has finished.
endTransform() — Method in class org.openzoom.flash.viewport.NormalizedViewport
Dispatch transformEnd event to let all listeners know that a viewport transition has finished.
endTransform() — Method in class org.openzoom.flash.viewport.SceneViewport
Dispatch transformEnd event to let all listeners know that a viewport transition has finished.
equals(other:org.openzoom.flash.viewport:IViewportTransform) — Method in interface org.openzoom.flash.viewport.IViewportTransform
Determines whether the object specified in the other parameter is equal to this Rectangle object.
equals(other:org.openzoom.flash.viewport:IViewportTransform) — Method in class org.openzoom.flash.viewport.ViewportTransform
Determines whether the object specified in the other parameter is equal to this Rectangle object.
existsTile(level, column, row) — Method in interface org.openzoom.flash.descriptors.IImagePyramidDescriptor
Returns a Boolean indicating if the tile at the given level, row and column exists.
existsTile(level, column, row) — Method in class org.openzoom.flash.descriptors.deepzoom.DeepZoomImageDescriptor
external — Property in class org.openzoom.flash.viewport.transformers.SmoothTransformer
ExternalMouseWheel — Final class in package org.openzoom.flash.utils
The ExternalMouseWheel class provices support for the mouse wheel on systems where the Flash Player does not natively support this capability.
ExternalMouseWheel(stage, enforcer) — Constructor in class org.openzoom.flash.utils.ExternalMouseWheel
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