The org.openzoom.flash.utils package contains the utility classes and interfaces, such as data structures like Cache.

 ICache Interface for cache implementations.
 ICacheItem Interface for a type that can stored in a cache.
 IComparable Interface for types with an inherent order.
 IDisposable Interface for types that can release the resources they hold on to and make themselves eligible for garbage collection.
 Base16 Simple Base16 encoder/decoder.
 Cache Basic implementation of a cache that evicts lowest item in order in case its capacity has been reached.
 ExternalMouseWheel The ExternalMouseWheel class provices support for the mouse wheel on systems where the Flash Player does not natively support this capability.
 FullScreenUtil Helper for toggling fullscreen mode.
 MIMEUtil Utility for working with file extensions and MIME types.
 MortonOrder Utility class for doing computations with the Morton-order (Z-order) which is a space-filling curve.